user agent mobile

Mobile User Agent Detection. Detect mobile phones and mobile browsers with PHP so your website can redirect mobile users to different sites detect mobile browsers ...

相關軟體 Safari 下載

Safari是美商蘋果電腦推出的瀏覽器,原先只在MAC上面使用,後來推出了Windows版本,目前它能運作在iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, MAC和PC這些不同的平台上面。 它在網頁的呈現上,提供給我們相對寬廣的瀏覽器視窗,並且提供視覺化的方式,在Top Sites這個功能裡,我們可以選擇想要瀏覽的網頁和歷史記錄,並且是用翻閱的方式,讓我們有不同的使用體驗。它也...

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  • If you are parsing user agent strings using regular expressions, the following can be used...
    User Agent Strings - Google Chrome
  • Mobile User Agent Detection. Detect mobile phones and mobile browsers with PHP so your web...
    Detect Mobile Browsers - Mobile User Agent Detection ...
  • Tech Stuff - Mobile Browser ID (User-Agent) Strings The non-mobile stuff is here (hint: yo...
    Mobile Browser ID Strings (a.k.a. User Agent ID) ...
  • Understand what information is contained in a user agent string. Get an analysis of your o... - List of Mobile Browser User Agent Stri ...
  • That's why browser detection using the user agent string is unreliable and should be d...
    Browser detection using the user agent - HTTP | MDN
  • How can I detect if a user is viewing my web site from a mobile web browser so that I can ...
    html - Auto detect mobile browser (via user-agent?) - Stack ...
  • Start parsing User-Agent strings DeviceAtlas is a high-speed solution for parsing User-Age...
    List of User Agent strings - DeviceAtlas | Real-Time Insight ...
  • Knowing how your mobile sites and your mobile Campaigns look across the many different mob...
    User Agents - Testing mobile websites on your computer ...
  • User Agent Sniffing 《基礎》 行動版網站和桌機版網站,使用的情境和需求都不同,現在大部分網… 烏托比亞 還不知道在上帝的棋盤上,我是哪一顆棋子。所以通通寫在這裡...
    Mobile Web 前端技術筆記(三): User Agent Sniffing – 烏托比亞 ...
  • Mobile User Agent Detection. Detect mobile phones and mobile browsers with PHP so your web...
    Help with Detecting Mobile Browsers and Mobile User Agents ...